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5vm Docs

The 5vm has only one native instruction, move. Other instructions can be performed using memory mapping and special memory locations.

Default Memory Mapped Functions

Memory 0 to 15 is reserved for special purposes as follows:

  • 0: The instruction pointer. Increments by 2 at every step unless overwritten.
  • 1: Register A
  • 2: Register B
  • 3: Register C
  • 4: A + B
  • 5: A - B
  • 6: A * B
  • 7: A // B
  • 8: A > B
  • 9: A < B
  • 10: A == B
  • 11: Input Register, Reads a charachter from stdin when read from.
  • 12: Output Register. Outputs to stdout when written to.
  • 13: logical not C
  • 14: A bitwise xor B
  • 15: A if C!=0 else B

Boolean Values

0 is True, anything other than 0 is False. By convention, -1 is False.


Execution of code begins at memory location 16. At every step, the memory at the location pointed to by the current instruction (whose address is pointed to by the instruction pointer) is placed in the memory pointed to by the memory location after the current instruction. Memory mapped functions are performed if necessary, and the instruction pointer is incremented by 2. To halt machine execution, 0 is placed in memory location 1, and the instruction pointer is set to 0.